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How to Take a Good Picture of Your Photo ID

Photo ID verification happens automatically. To make sure your images pass the verification process, please follow the guidelines:

1. Place the document on a dark, flat surface in excellent lighting

2. Position your smartphone camera directly over the document (no angle). Avoid glare and shadow.

3. Fill the screen, but let the dark background surface border all corners of the document

If you have difficulty accepting your ID, please check these hints and tips.
How it looks
What it means
How to fix
Photo Done Right
• Direct shot
• Crisp and clear
• No glares
• All text is legible
Photo is Blurred
You can not properly read the text on the picture.
Your camera is too close to the Photo ID. Place the camera between 12″ and 26″ from your ID.
The camera view may have some debris in the viewer. Clean the camera lens.
The photo ID is Rotated
The edges of the ID are not parallel to the edges of the picture.
Move your phone to align the picture.
Photo ID is Skewed or Tilted
Some edges of the Photo ID look different than the others.
Align your camera with the surface of the table
Glare or Shade on the Photo ID
The photo ID surface is not even. There are highlighted or shaded areas that make it difficult to read the text.
Check the lightning or move to a different spot.
The photo ID is Cropped
You do not see the edges of your Photo ID on the picture. Not all information is visible.
Your camera is too close to the Photo ID. Place the camera between 12″ and 26″ from your ID.
Photo ID is too Far
You see too much of a surface around the Photo ID
Your camera is too far from the Photo ID. Place the camera between 12″ and 26″ from your ID.
Something is Obscuring the Photo ID
You see other objects in the picture that obscure parts of your Photo ID or make the information unreadable.
Make sure only your Photo ID is present in the picture. Nothing else.